Friday, February 4, 2011

Take two

Hmmm... It has been way too long since my last post. I had actually forgotten that I started a blog. I probably won't be consistent, but here is my attempt to try again!

The girls are 16 months old now. All walking and starting to say some words! I can't believe how far we have come. They are the light of my life and I can't imagine a day without them. Elijah loves them, too, and I am constantly surprised at how much time he wants to spend with them. We have a huge play yard set up in our living room, and he likes to get in with them and play, even though all of his toys are outside that area. He also likes being mommy's helper, in many ways. I am trying to encourage him in that area, since I think he would prefer to be lumped in with the babies sometimes.

It is so fun to see the girls' different personalities coming out. Hadassah can be kind of shy and quiet, but once she feels comfortable she lets her true side out! She has a huge stubborn streak, but she can also be so sweet. Arabella is really sweet, she often gets her toys stolen because she doesn't stand up for herself, but she has recently started throwing a temper if she doesn't get her way. She loves snuggles and hugs. Mikayla always looks like she could be getting into mischief, even if she isn't. She just has that look! Generally, though, she is the first to get into something that she shouldn't. She was the first to be mobile, and is the fastest walker right now. She is always interested in exploring, and she loves people! She has started snuggling up to people she met only 5 minutes before.

Elijah has started "school". We do about 15 minutes to 1/2 an hour every day. It's a learning process for both of us, but now that I've finally started I think it might not be as hard as I was envisioning. I'm getting "into the spirit"!

That's all for now. I'll try to figure out how to upload pictures later.

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