Saturday, November 21, 2009

First time blogger

Well, I finally took the plunge into blogging. I'm not sure how much time I'll have to post updates, but I will do my best.
Most people know I just had triplet girls in September. It's hard to believe it's almost been two months. The girls are growing well. They are all sleeping right now (oh wonders!) and my two year old, Elijah is playing happily with his toys. So I have a few quiet minutes to myself to have a cup of tea and blog :-)
I feel like there really isn't much to tell at this point. We haven't been out very much because of the flu season, so our lives are pretty boring right now... if you consider keeping up with a toddler and three babies boring! My life basically consists of diaper changes and feedings and playing with Elijah when I get the rare chance. But I'm sure I'll have lots of funny stories to tell soon...
Actually, I just remembered one. My husband, Lowell, had just left the house when disaster struck. I was in the middle of pumping, the girls all woke up and decided they were hungry, and Elijah pooped in the bathtub and made a huge mess of it! I had to call Lowell to come home in a hurry and help because the mess was too much to take care of with three screaming girls needing their food immediately. Oy... what a morning. I'm so glad he has taken all this time off to stay home and help out. I'm also glad that my parents are moving to KY. Their timing couldn't have been better.
Well, that's all for now. I should probably do something productive before the babies wake up.